Tuesday, May 15, 2018

I did this for my wife for Mother's Day. It is our son sticking his tongue out.
She really enjoyed it. I tried to get a better picture but this was the best one.
I finally finished it. I'm really happy how it turned out.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

 A lot of you have asked how I did this piece so I thought I would show you in pictures.
 This is the pencil drawing.
 First layer of chalk ink: snow and the log.
 Second layer of chalk ink: snow detail.
 More chalk ink: the logs and sticks in the background.
 First layer of chalk ink on the fox.
 More chalk ink and detail.
The finished chalk ink fox with all the detail. I then sprayed it with clear spray paint to seal it in. Still no oil added. 
The final piece with oils. I let the spray paint set for two weeks before I started painting the oils on top. All the highlights and fine detail the fox are oils. The dried grass, sticks, and additional snow detail is all snow as well. 
This one was done for a chocolate fondue display at work around Valentines Day. I like using the white on just the plain background. It feels like a scratch board. Our store won first place for the display that this was part of.

I know I posted the single monkey and the parrot before but all four of these are part of the artisan chocolate display that i put up at my store. Definitely one of the best setups I have done at Harmons.